Sunday, 13 May 2012

Client work.. 104

For our 104 work at Plymouth College of Art we had to find client work. I based my work around the incinerator that was being built in Devonport, Plymouth. The locals have been protesting against it as it will have 120 lorries visiting their everyday but on the other hand will create 22.5MW of energy - enough to power 37000 homes.
I had my final images ready and found a client by emailing websites that deals with littering or would like a better environment. I got a reply from World Green stating that he would put up an article. These are the images I sent over including a few that are situation in Devonport. These photographs are of litter that I picked up in and around Devonport and then brought it to a studio to photograph similarly to Andy Hughes who has been a real inspiration though out this assignment and the previous assignment. 
Andy Hughes takes photographs on a beach (seascape) and makes rubbish or certain objects look alot bigger than intended also filling the whole mise en scene.

An example of Andy Hughes' work:

My client work (final):

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